Promocija nagrade ZVONO – Artist Talk – Alma Gačanin

Zvono nagrada dodjeljuje se jednom godišnje na osnovu javno raspisanog konkursa i nezavisnog stručnog žiriranja. Radi se o najznačajnijoj stručnoj stimulaciji u Bosni i Hercegovini namijenjenoj mladim umjetnicima i umjetnicama čiji glavni sadržaj podrazumijeva dvomjesečni umjetnički rezidencijalni boravak u Residency Unlimited u New Yorku. Od 2006. godine kada je uspostavljena, Zvono nagrada se smatra vrijednom […]

Promocija nagrade ZVONO – Artist Talk sa studentima

Zvono nagrada dodjeljuje se jednom godišnje na osnovu javno raspisanog konkursa i nezavisnog stručnog žiriranja. Radi se o najznačajnijoj stručnoj stimulaciji u Bosni i Hercegovini namijenjenoj mladim umjetnicima i umjetnicama čiji glavni sadržaj podrazumijeva dvomjesečni umjetnički rezidencijalni boravak u Residency Unlimited u New Yorku. Od 2006. godine kada je uspostavljena, Zvono nagrada se smatra vrijednom […]

Promocija nagrade ZVONO – Artist Talk – Mladen Bundalo

Zvono nagrada dodjeljuje se jednom godišnje na osnovu javno raspisanog konkursa i nezavisnog stručnog žiriranja. Radi se o najznačajnijoj stručnoj stimulaciji u Bosni i Hercegovini namijenjenoj mladim umjetnicima i umjetnicama čiji glavni sadržaj podrazumijeva dvomjesečni umjetnički rezidencijalni boravak u Residency Unlimited u New Yorku. Od 2006. godine kada je uspostavljena, Zvono nagrada se smatra vrijednom […]

Promotion of the ZVONO 2024 award – Artist Talk – Saša Tatić

Zvono nagrada dodjeljuje se jednom godišnje na osnovu javno raspisanog konkursa i nezavisnog stručnog žiriranja. Radi se o najznačajnijoj stručnoj stimulaciji u Bosni i Hercegovini namijenjenoj mladim umjetnicima i umjetnicama čiji glavni sadržaj podrazumijeva dvomjesečni umjetnički rezidencijalni boravak u Residency Unlimited u New Yorku. Od 2006. godine kada je uspostavljena, Zvono nagrada se smatra vrijednom […]

Artist Talk – Nikola Kekerović

In a conversation with the visual artist Nikola Kekerović, we learned everything about the process of creating the art project "Feasibility Study". Nikola shared his artistic and social experiences of life in Berlin. And why he decides to return to the stage of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Nikola Kekerović was born on January 27, 1991 in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. He graduated in painting […]

Feasibility studies

FEASIBILITY STUDIES Nikola Kekerović.:04#03#2024 FEASIBILITY STUDIES.: paintings, gouache on paper, 42×32 cm, different dimensions, 2020-24. The painted scenes depict urban views as the artist travels from his home to work and back, through the urban the landscape of Berlinas, which one normally does not physically encounter in one's free time. All the pictures represent the same concept and seek an explanation of how the terms "economy" and "death" collide. This […]

Artist Talk – Denis Haračić

Denis told us about his creative tendencies and what drives him the most We analyzed the position of young artists in Bosnia and Herzegovina and what needs to be done to open the doors We talked about past and future projects, how the collection of an enviable 72 works in Berlin happened and how important it is to yourself [...]


The collection of works entitled "Faces" stands as an antithesis to the curatorial practice of a conceptualized and coherent art installation. Through a series of portraits that represent autonomous and unconnected thought units, the author impulsively touches on various topics such as self-questioning, nostalgia, animalism and associative recording of psychological states. Consequently, the eleven works presented in the Vagon gallery are also the product of various artistic researches created in the past two years. Although […]


Artist Aleksandar Rakezić, in the project titled 'Second Chance,' problematizes and criticizes the practices of the cosmetic industry and mass media that have been promoting an idealized vision of the human body and lifestyle for decades. Beauty and its standards have taken various forms and interpretations throughout history, while the transience of the human body and death as a concept have often been explored in various artistic spheres.