Znamo, samo ne volimo o tome da pričamo
Predavanje Jovane Trifuljesko kustoskinje i istoričarke umjetnosti o ekstremnim oblicima mizoginije u onlajn sferi, kako to utiče na formiranje supkultura i kakav odgovor se može dati kroz umetnost.
Lora Bejts u svojoj knjizi Muškarci koji mrze žene uvod započinje sa rečima:
Imagine a world in which tens of thousands of women are raped, beaten, mutilated, abused or murdered every year, because of the simple fact that they are women. Imagine a world in which the hatred of women is actively encouraged, with sprawling, purpose built communities of men dedicated to fuelling and inflaming the cause. Imagine a world in which such hatred blends seamlessly with racist rage: ‘whores’ blamed for contaminating superior bloodlines; invading ‘savages’, conjured from hate-fuelled imaginations, framed as plunderers of the dehumanised commodity of fragile, white women. Imagine a world in which thousands of men band together, united by a common code of vitriolic rage, demonising and railing against evil, soulless, greedy women, graphically plotting their rape
and destruction in a glorious, bigoted uprising. Imagine a world in which some men actually enact such fantasies, killing women in mass murders, leaving behind manifestos explaining the ideology that drove them to commit these acts of terrorism. Imagine a world in which vulnerable men, lost boys and confused, scared teenagers are swept up and preyed upon by such communities, which feed on their fears and push them towards hatred, violence and self-destruction.
You don’t have to imagine that world – you already live in it. But perhaps you didn’t know, because we don’t like to talk about it.
Na ovom predavanju biće reči o novonastalim zajednicama insela, crveno-pilulaša i pikap artista u sklopu “manosfere”. “Manosfera” predstavlja fenomen u kome je ženska jednakost štetna za muškarce, samim tim muškarci moraju da se pobune protiv feminizma kako bi se “borili za opstanak”. O čemu se govori na redit forumima i kutcima interneta “manosfere”? Koje su posledice takve retorike na stvaran svet? I naravno, ko su muškarci koji mrze žene?
11. decembar 2022.