On Target

  Through the exhibition 'On Target', artist Nikola Tomić explores the relationship between humans and nature, nature within humans, and humans within nature, as well as the excessive consumerism in the modern era. Before the advent of weapons and laws, people used to fear storms, floods, and thunder. Today, the winds carry the scent of gunpowder, blood, and human urgency. Nikola Tomić December 26, 2022.

We know, we just don't like to talk about

We know, we just don't like to talk to the lecture of Jovana Trifuljsko curator and art historian about the extreme forms of Misogyny in the online sphere, as it affects the formation of subcultures and what a response can be given through art. Lora Bats in his book Men who hate women Introduction Starts with words: Imagine a World in which Tens [...]

Artist Talk

A conversation between the conceptual artist Isidore Branković and the curator Jovana Trifuljesko about the triptych performance "Everybody out there all free". - Vagon Gallery

Everybody out there all free - Triptych Performance

To play with something means to surrender to the object with which we are playing. In a sense, the player invests his libido in the object he is playing with. The game thus becomes a magical procedure for awakening life. To play means to build a bridge between your fantasy and reality through the magical workings of your libido. Play is a rite of passage and it prepares the way.

Simulation of ease

We know, we just don't like to talk to Jovan Trimuli Curator and the historian of the extreme forms of Mizogini in the online sphere, how it affects the formation of the series exploring the space of ease and relief from any narrative and through The media presentation emphasizes intensely and non-mechanical viewing. Focus on idyllic details from nature flirts with escapism and thus reviews our need for him as our attitude towards him. Opening Settings. Lora Bats in his book Men who hate women Introduction Starts with words: Imagine a World in which Tens [...]

F06 можда kanske maybe

In this cycle, the virus is not adapted to you because the virus cannot explain itself, LOL. Mainly the body, the health and unhealthiness of the machine itself as such, when a complex and complex system gets a BUG like a virus, the whole system glitches. The inner body is not solid but spacious. It is not the physical body but what gives life to that physical [...]


“You slid into my DM and told me I was a real mamasita. That's when I knew I was on the right path. We are all real mamasites. I just don't know why it has to hurt so damn much. Yesterday I did my lips, this morning I went to the bakery to get my burek, with a mask over my mouth, I was embarrassed that [...]